Youwave is special software designed to run Android system based applications on Windows based operating system. It can easily download apps from online store. The app store is given in youwave software that will give you access to the thousands of apps through apps store. Youwave is high performance software that can make your PC enable to play all types of Android apps and games into Windows. Youwave is a completely Android apps supported software that is easy to download and easy to install into windows XP, Windows vista and windows 7.
Youwave is a program that emulates the Android operating system on your mobile phone. This software is much better then BlueStacks App Player that is already playing apps and games of Android operating system into Windows based operating system. Youwave can play Android based games and apps into your windows just like as they are playin gin Android mobile phones. Youwave has the features of playing multiplayer games into windows when you are online.

How to Install & Use Youwave:
Youwave has integrates all functions and features of Android based applications and games like touch pad and other controls of mobile phone. All the popular apps and games are integrated into Youwave software so user can easily play or run them on Windows operating system. Youwave has user friendly graphics interface so you can easily use and enjoy apps and games with it. If you haveVirtualBox installed into your windows then uninstall it from your windows before installing Youwave software. Youwave will install into your windows just like other programs are installed. Just complete the wizard of Yowave program and it is ready to use.

How to Add Apps and Games into Youwave:
There are two different ways to add new apps into Youwave. First you can add apps and games from Google Play Store and second one is adding through apps APK's. User can access to Google play store from its web browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Apple Safari and Opera. Simply download that apps and games directly. It is easier to add the downloaded apps and games directly into Youwave.
Simple download and locate the APK file of that application or game. Just copy that APK file from downloaded folder and go to C:\Users\Your-Windows-Username\youwave\android apps and paste the APK file from here. Youwave can automatically add that APK file applications and games into it and you can easily play or run them into your windows.
Application Details
Size Basic: 107 MB
Version Basic: 2.3.4
Size Home: 153 MB
Size Home: 153 MB
Version Home: 4.0.2
License: 10 Days Trial
Developer: Youwave
Basic Version:
Home Version: