Google released its free remote space drive that is designed especially for developers, programmers and students. This release of Google drive version 1.7.4018.3496 is now downloading as offline version from here. There are some problems and issues to download Google drive as online. So we are trying to solve problems of users and give this solution to download Google drive as offline in to windows and install the .MSI file easily with just one click. You can easily Create, share, and collaborate on the internet with your documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more through Google drive.
Google Drive is a cloud based service that enables us to store our important data files on remote servers as a backup. Google drive will store your data safely as a back up and available to access from anywhere and anytime. User can easily download files from Google drive like Microsoft office Excel, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Powerpoint, Microsoft Office Access, Adobe PDF Reader and Wordpad data files. Google drive provides you a free space up to 5 BG to store your important files and notes in your Gmail account.
Google drive is a new home of Google docs to store, upload, share and download from anywhere and anytime. Google drive will works on both online and offline mood. Google drive is able to automatically synchronous and store important docs on the web without changing the file size and file type.
Google Drive is a cloud based service that enables us to store our important data files on remote servers as a backup. Google drive will store your data safely as a back up and available to access from anywhere and anytime. User can easily download files from Google drive like Microsoft office Excel, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Powerpoint, Microsoft Office Access, Adobe PDF Reader and Wordpad data files. Google drive provides you a free space up to 5 BG to store your important files and notes in your Gmail account.
Google drive is a new home of Google docs to store, upload, share and download from anywhere and anytime. Google drive will works on both online and offline mood. Google drive is able to automatically synchronous and store important docs on the web without changing the file size and file type.
Google Drive Online Installer:

Google provides the users an online version of Google drive to download a little size file and after opening of this file, it will starts the online downloading of data files and automatically installing through online server. This process is simple but it's not give 100% results for installing and downloading of Google drive. It give us errors and many time it will shows the network problem try again.

So this will creates difficulties for users and lost their time. The name of file isgoogledrivesync.exe and the file size is about 746 KB. After downloading it will continues the downloading files from server to your computer to complete the installation of Google drive. You can download online version of Google Drive from here. Google Drive Online Installer.
Google Drive Offline Installer:

Google provides its users an offline or standalone version of Google drive but it keeps safe from us. It is difficult to download Google drive as offline or standalone version. We found the way to locate and download Google drive as offline/standalone version without wasting time. It is too much easy to download Google drive as offline/standalone after knowing the way of downloading Google drive as offline.
How to Download Google Drive as Offline/Standalone Installer:

The official version of Google drive is used in the name of file that is saved in the server. If we know the version of Google drive exactly, it is easy to download it in 2 minutes. This is the original path of Google drive download server.http://dl.google.com/drive/xxxxx/gsync.msi. The XXX is the exact version of file that we want to download. Copy the above link and paste it in there address bar of your web browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 8 (XP) or Internet Explorer 9 (Win 7). After pasting the original link into the browser, just change the XXXXX with your file version. In this post we share Google Drive version 1.4.3365.1552 to download. After copying this version number just replace it with XXXXX in the original link and press enter. This file name of Google drive that is downloading as offline is gsync.exe and its size is about 15.4 MB. The downloading will be start directly. After replacing the version with xxxxx, the link must be as:
How to Use Google Drive to Synchronous Data and Files:

After downloading and installing Google Drive as online or offline, the question is searched in Google to how to use Google drive after download and installing it. The answer is to paste the important data files that you want to upload on Google drive. You should create a folder with any name and just put your important files into it. The copy this folder and paste intoC:\Users\xxxxx\Google Drive folder. The xxxxx is your user name that is saved after installing of windows. Google drive program is running into system tray and automatically start synchronous between the server and your PC. The files on the server are shown in your PC in Google Drive folder and the files locating at Google Drive folder were uploading automatically after putting folders and files in to Google drive folder located at C:\Users\xxxxx\Google Drive.
Google Drive Previous Versions:
- Google Drive 1.7.4018.3496
- Google Drive 1.6.3837.2778
- Google Drive 1.5.3449.3345
- Google Drive 1.4.3365.1552
- Google Drive 1.3.3209.2688
- Google Drive 1.2.3101.4994
- Google Drive 1.1.3019.0542
- Google Drive 1.0.2975.8828
Just replace the xxxxx in http://dl.google.com/drive/xxxxx/gsync.msi with any version pick from above list and press enter from your web browser. The downloading will begin automatically. In below picture replace the version select in blue color with anyone from above list.

Application Details
Size: 15.5 MB
Version: 1.7.4018.3496
License: Freeware
Developer: Google