Spotflux is an encrypted VPN client that changes the route of your internet connection and provides you the access to blocked and filtered websites. Just download Spotflux on your windows PC, MAC and IOS and install to get access through the entire web. Spotflux is also available on Google Play very soon. You can access to block content from Phone, Tablet or from a personal computer. It will blocks viruses, malicious cookies, I.D. thieves, malwares and hacker attacks automatically and protect your identity. Spotflux is the best alternative ofHotspot Shield, Connectify Hotspot and Ultrasurf to keep access to blocked content in your country.
How it works
We are all the lovers of internet. But unfortunately there are some people on the internet that don't return this love and peace. Your privacy and identity may be caused by viruses, malicious cookies, malware, I.D. thieves, and hacker attacks. Spotflux will remove your worries about protection. It's also called super-protection application.
Download & Install
Spotflux allows you to engage with internet and enjoy it always without worries. Spotflux is a simple that will installs in your computer quickly and easily. It will install in to your computer or MAC tablet with an only single click.
Spotflux will encrypt your internet traffic and return your original traffic through the Spotflux cloud.
Clean Up
Spotflux integrates the encrypted cloud that controls and runs millions of calculations every time to remove ads, tracking cookies, viruses, thieves, Trojans and other bad guys activities that may follow you on the web. Viruses and malware are removed and traffic will be encrypted through filtering.
Be Safe
Location, identity and privacy of user and also user devices are concealed through spotflux cloud. Your connectivity to the internet is safer, limitless, endless, more private, and unrestricted.
Spotflux automatically eliminates bad things that may dangerous for identity and your data. It uses the integrated cloud system that will never slow you down. The encrypted system concert the user direct traffic into cloud based traffic so your worries are going to be solved with a single click.
Easy to Install and Use
Your security, privacy and identity is just a click away. Once you've installed Spotflux, you'll forget all other long and lengthy installations that will slows down your system with ads like Hotspot Shield. Spotflux is better than all to install and use it with single click.
Encrypted & Secure Connection
Spotflux will encrypts & secures your connection, and protects your privacy, identity and security while browsing at home, office, public internet shop, on traveling, or on a public Wi-Fi connection.
Malware & Virus Protection
Spotflux will continuously scans and protects your connection, identity, privacy and security from inbound threats, such as malware, spyware, Trojans and viruses. It will take your control on all over the internet.
Remove Tracking Cookies
Spotflux will remove your internet tracking cookies that are great way to find you and track your location. Spotflux will just solve your problem and automatically removes all the visited websites cookies from your PC or tablet. Someone may take control to your computer through cookies and find your device's location.
Open & Unrestricted Access
Spotflux will provide you the endless access to web. Spotflux cloud reaches you on limiting or blocking content. Free and full access stays you online on restricted and blocked content.
Private & Ad-Free Browsing
Spotflux provides you access to web with free of cost and without displaying ads on your open pages. We provide clean and ad-free browsing without tracking or targeted advertisements. It will hide your IP-address and your location stays private.
Application Details
License: Freeware
Developer: Spotflux
Download Spotflux For Windows PC
Size: 15.3 MB